Tips For Taking Better Toddler Pictures

In a previous photography tip about how to photograph people, we learned to put our subject in the shade. In continuing with that theme, today we’ll learn how to take better toddler pictures.

how to take better toddler pictures photography tips

Get Down to Their Level, and Get in Closer

If you think you’re close enough, just take a few more steps or inches closer anyway, just for variety. Play with them and be ready to catch the great expressions as they happen. If you aren’t ready, with camera in hand, finger in the trigger, you might miss it!

take better baby pictures with these digital photography tips
For better toddler pictures, get in close
photography tips for taking better toddler pictures
Squat down, get level with the subject, in this case the park bench

Taking better toddler pictures is more about perspective.

The subject is low, so the shot should be taken from the same height. You may find that as you get down to their level, it will pique their interest and not only will the picture be better, you may also get some great expressions of curiosity. Oh, and if your curious, this is my niece. Cute eh?


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