9 Composition Tips for Shooting Good Landscape Photos

Photographer Toma Bonciu (AKA Photo Tom) made this 10-minute video with 9 composition tips and rules you can use to shoot more effective landscape photos.

The guidelines are mainly ways to direct viewers’ eyes to points and areas of interest in the frame and are things you can keep in mind when framing shots in the great outdoors.

Here are the 9 basic rules discussed by Bonciu in the video (watch the video above for an explanation of each one):

#1. Fill the Frame

#2. Centered

#3. Color Spot

#4. Negative Space

#5. Leading Lines

#6. Left to Right

#7. Depth

#8. Viewpoint

#9. Zig Zag

You can find more of Bonciu’s videos by subscribing to his YouTube channel.

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