How to Shoot an All-White Background with a Single Light

If you don’t have access to a full cyclorama wall or large studio, you’re in luck. In this 2-minute video, I’ll teach you how to create a pure white background and light the subject using a single light source.

The Primary Source of Light

The primary source of light is a Profoto D2 500w modified by a 47″ Westcott Zeppelin, which is diffused by a 1-stop inner piece of diffusion material and 1-stop outer piece of diffusion material. Feel free to use any large modifier — for example, larger umbrellas and softboxes are perfect!

Modified by V-Flats

By using a large light source with a decent spread of light, you can then use V-flats to redirect light behind your subject and onto the background.

P.S. If you enjoyed this video and article, you can find more by subscribing to my YouTube channel.

About the author: Jeff Rojas is a commercial and editorial photographer based in New York City. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You can find more of Rojas’ work on his website, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

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