This is beautifull template, designed to save you a lots of time from working on individual Instagram posts, you can save a lot of time creating 27 Post in a minute and Stunning your followers.
- 1 Photoshop Template
- Each template slice for 27 Posts
- Photos unsplash included
- Free Fonts used
- Vector shapes Origami Icons
- Gold Pattern overlay
- CANVA and Photoshop
Tutorial Inside
- How to change color in Pattern Overlay
- How to change image with Smart Object
- How to change texts
- How to output the file into 27 Individual posts
How to Access Canva Files
- Once you have purchased the product from Creative Market you download the file.
- Extract the file. Inside will be a folder with images and a txt File with tutorials and Canva links.
- After Canva opened up in your browser, Make a Copy of the template.
- Name your copied template set so you can easily recognize that it\’s your copy.
- Start editing your copy as you wish.
- Please read the txt files for more detailed tutorial
The Best part is, the new Canva design is not 100% similar on the previous PSD files 🙂
Password Unzip : Freepreset.net
The file is compressed using Zip or Rar format...please use Winrar to extract this file
If you found the link was error , please comment !!!
It is possible get new link for canva? Link in file doesnt exist anymore…
link do canva?