Author: Denis

Photoshop Playbook: Selective Focus

Photoshop Principal Product Manager Bryan O’Neil Hughes explains how to…

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How to Avoid Travel Photography Failure

Did you ever wish you could get travel photos like…

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How To Create A 17th Century-Inspired Vanitas Still Life Photo

In this tutorial by Alexandria Huff of, you’ll learn…

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Space Out Astrophotography Hangout on Air

Space Out Astrophotography Hangout on Air Download Premium Presets :…

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5 reasons and 4 ways to give back with photography

Generosity – give back! I come from a family full…

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Photoshop Live Codeathon

Real Photoshop engineers wrote real source code in real time…

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Photo Reimagines Snow White Begging In The Streets

In this tutorial, Fernando Filho shares with us the story…

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How to turn your 50mm into a Macro lens for under $20

Want to shoot macro, but can’t afford the big ticket…

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Loom SDK & Adobe Generator

For more info about The Engine Co. and their Loom…

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Using Adobe Generator

Justin Seeley of explains uses for Adobe Generator, now…

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Photoshop CC: Adobe Generator Overview

Photoshop 14.1 with Adobe Generator is now available as an…

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Getting more WOW in your Photography Webinar replay

Yup that’s me going “WOW!” Recently I held my first…

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Create Magical Still Life Images Using Oil and Ink

Various liquids are often used in still life and macro…

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Learn HDR Photography

Trey Ratcliff is an HDR guru, old-school gentleman explorer, fellow…

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How To Photograph The Night Sky

Let’s go on a trip together and take stunning night…

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5 Reasons to Use Layer Groups in Photoshop

Layer Groups – they’re not just for organizing your layers!…

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Lightroom 5: Correcting Perspective Using Upright

Discover how to automatically fix common problems such as tilted…

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Lightroom 5: Advanced Healing Brush

Discover the new enhancements to Lightroom’s Advanced Healing Brush including…

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Lightroom 5: Work with Offline Images Using Smart Previews

Learn how to create lightweight, efficient Smart Previews to work…

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Lightroom 5: Top 10 Hidden Gems

Learn the additional, seldom talked about features in Lightroom 5…

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Lighroom 5: Radial Filter

Learn how easy it is to apply Lightroom’s selective adjustments…

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Lightroom 5: Improved Book Creation

Discover the new enhancements made to the Book module including…

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Lightroom 5: Creating Custom Collections of Images

Discover how to simplify the creation of virtual groups of…

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Lightroom 5: Viewing Images on a Map

Master the Map module in Lightroom in order to sort…

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Lightroom 5: Organizing Your Images

Learn how to organize your images in Lightroom using the…

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Lightroom 5: Exporting Images

Master the Export options in Lightroom to quickly automate the…

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Lightroom 5: Creating and Publishing a Book

Create and publish your own book using the Book module…

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Lightroom 5: Moving Between Lightroom and Photoshop

Learn how to seamlessly move images between Lightroom and Photoshop…

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Lightroom 5: Enhancing Isolated Areas of an Image

Discover how easy it is to locally refine and enhance…

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Lightroom 5: Print the Perfect Image

Learn how to use the Print module to bring your…

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