Create Camera Lomo LC-A Painting artworks from your photos in the simplest possible way. This action works in a non-destructive way to perform a high-quality appearance. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. After action complete the work you get a well-organized and structured file with the many layers, This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It’s a must-have for photo effect lovers. This action has been tested and works on photoshop CS5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015.5 ,CC 2017, CC 2018, CC2019
![Camera Lomo LC-A Painting Photoshop Action 24830513 Camera Lomo LC-A Painting Photoshop Action 24830513](
![Camera Lomo LC-A Painting Photoshop Action 24830513 Camera Lomo LC-A Painting Photoshop Action 24830513](
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