Classic CineStock II – Presets for Lightroom

Cinematic grading is the holy grail. We all want the great cinema, always and for every shot. It doesn\’t matter how banal it is. Big sets, perfect light and the story that touches our hearts, for all that is always missing the budget, or the chance. We live with compromises and fight hard for them. Later, at the desk we are set less limits. We no longer need an expensive workstation and even on an iPad Pro we perform virtuoso magic. There are no more compromises here and that\’s exactly what the Classic CineStock II is all about. But cinematic grading is uncompromising. We do what we like and simply dream the colours where we want them to be. Music videos, the summer blockbuster, or the last commercial, which could really grab us in its 28 seconds, inspired the 10 profiles and presets. While Part 1 of the CineStock Triology provided us with a brute monumental bulwark of looks, Part 2 takes us into the independent production that will win the Sundance Film Festival this year.

This product will work with Adobe Lightroom CC (cloud based Version), CameraRAW (10.3 and above) and Classic CC (7.3 and above). 

Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom
Classic CineStock II - Presets for Lightroom


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