Everything You Need to Know About Lightroom Presets

You just purchased the 500px Awesome + Adobe bundle and you’re patting yourself on the back for taking advantage of a sweet discount and sticking it to the man (as it were), when you realize something: you have no little to idea how to use Lightroom and Photoshop.


Fear not, yon brave new photographer — our awesome community is here to help. Specifically, 500px January Guest Editor and ultra-talented photographer Matt Kloskowski recently put together a video that gives you a fantastic overview of one of the first features you should start experimenting with in Lightroom: presets.

Click play and get edumacated:

It always blows us away when talented photographers like Matt put invaluable knowledge like this out there for free. And given his skill behind the camera, you should definitely be listening to him.

Check out some of our favorite shots from his portfolio below:

Want to find out more about Matt? You’re in luck. He was a January Guest Editor for us at 500px, so you can click here to find out what he thinks makes a photograph great, or here to read his column on how to get your photo selected as an Editors’ Choice pick!

You can also find more of his work and educational materials on his website or by following him on 500px, Twitter and Facebook.

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