There’s an idea proposing that when we feel nostalgia, it’s not necessarily the person or place that we yearn for, but the feeling we had in those moments. Using this as a working theory, we set out to make the Autumn Presets a master class in “chasing the feeling”. With a full spectrum enhancement of natural colors and a focus on maintaining soft and warm skin tones, this pack gives images the power to bring the feeling of a moment back into real-time. Versatile enough for anyone to use, Autumn Presets come to life in open outdoor lighting situations like sunrise, sunset, and cloudy settings, yet also look incredible on indoor photos shot in natural light.
Autumn Presets consists of 6 color presets, 1 BW preset, and 4 custom Creative Profile’s (please see * below for compatibility). These Creative Profiles add a small touch of contrast, and vibrance as well as warmth in one of them.
Before and after images below demonstrate how each preset manipulates an image with identical white balance and exposure.
*These presets will work with all versions of Lightroom 4 and above, however, in order to use the custom Creative Profiles you will need one of the following programs: Lightroom Classic CC (version 7.3 or later), Lightroom CC (version 1.3 or later), or Adobe Camera Raw (version 10.3 or later).
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Hey denis can you please add rooke and rover truetone fuji color i appreciate the work that you do man