Grainy Gradient Backgrounds #4 7KLFQDX

**Grainy Gradient Backgrounds #4** includes 15 Fully editable grainy gradients. They come in PSD, which can be easily be edited in color, blur, and grain, to adapt to your projects!

● _**This pack includes**_
– 15 grainy gradients in independent files.
– PSD / PNG files.
– RGB / 300 DPI / 5000 x 3535 px
– Color palette included in each PSD file
– JPEG browser to easily find the patterns by their numbers
– ‘How To’ JPEG about the editing of the layers

● _** What can you edit?**_
– Edit the colors of shapes _(smart objects)._
– Edit the % percentage of the blur effect _(smart filters)._
– Edit or Deactivate the grain texture _(smart filters)._
– Edit the filters applied _(adjustment layers)._

This pack can be used in social media posts, digital posters, invitations, labels, and many more! **Recommended for digital use due to its neon-like RGB color palette.
To adapt these gradients to CMYK, you can edit the colors of course!**

_the fonts used in this pack’s imagery are **Austral Sans**, and the retro serif font is a current work in progress by Antipixel type studio._

graphicsFileTypes: PNG,PSD
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: 5000,px,3535
resolution: 300,16.6,11.7
Additions: isVector, isLayered, hasDocumentation,

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