Say goodbye to bland designs and hello to creativity with our Grunge Restaurant Menu. On our menu, you can choose from many professionally made templates for websites, presentations, social media, and other things. Each template is fully customizable, so you can add your own touch. Whether you’re looking for a modern and minimalistic style or a playful and unique design, our menu has something for everyone. Get started with our design template menu today and take your designs to the next level!
- 2 Pages Professional Fully Editable
- AI, EPS & PSD Files
- CMYK 300 DPI
- Well organized layers
- Print Ready
- Readme Help File
- Free Font Used
- Size A4 ( 8.2×11.7 In )
- Ai, Eps & Psd Files
- Readme Help File
- Drag your image, select both of picture and the Placeholder, then Right Click choose to Make a Clipping Mask.
- Double Click on the “Replace” Layer and Put your image there.
- Don’t forget to save the tab, your picture will be automatically changed.
Password Unzip :
The file is compressed using Zip or Rar format...please use Winrar to extract this file
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