How to Add Fireworks to a Photo in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial I will explain to you how to add fireworks to a photo.

Final Image

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo

Tutorial Details

  • Program : Photoshop CS3 +
  • Estimated Completion Time : 20 minutes
  • Difficulty : Beginner


Step 1

Create a new document (Ctrl + N) with 1715px x 1383px in size. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and fill it with black (Press D to set default colors and Alt + backspace to fill it with the foreground color.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 1

Step 2

Open the file “Stars”. Select all by pressing Ctrl + A and copy by pressing Ctrl + C. Go back to your document and press Ctrl + V to paste.

Press Ctrl + T to resize the stars as shown below.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 2

Lower the Opacity of the stars layer to 32%.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 3

Step 3

Open the file “Fireworks”. Select all and copy. Paste the fireworks into your document and resize them as shown below.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 4

Step 4

Change the blending mode of the fireworks layer to Screen. This will get rid of all the black color and show only the fireworks.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 5

Step 5

Open the file “Building”. Copy all and paste the building into your document.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 6

Step 6

Add a layer mask to the building layer (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All). Click on the layer mask and choose Select > Color Range and click once somewhere on the sky black color.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 7

Step 7

Click on the layer mask and press Ctrl + I to invert the selection. Now only the building is visible and the black sky is hidden.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 8

Step 8

Click once on the fireworks layer and press Ctrl + J to duplicate it. Drag the fireworks layer to the top of the layers palette and name it Reflection.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 9

Step 10

Press Ctrl + T to transform the reflection layer and resize it as shown below.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 10

Step 11

Change the blending mode of the reflection layer to Screen and lower the opacity to 27%.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo 11

And We’re Done!

This is how you add fireworks to a night picture. I hope you learned some useful techniques and enjoyed this tutorial.

How to Add Fireworks to a Photo

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