How to Bake an Ultra-Realistic Camera Cake

YouTube star and food scientist Ann Reardon of How to Cook That films videos for her 4.4+ million subscribers with a Panasonic GH5. At Panasonic’s request, Reardon baked a 3D cake version of the camera, and this 16-minute tutorial shows how you can do it too.

To follow along and create exactly what Reardon did, you’ll need to buy the template for the design, which costs $6 over on Reardon’s website.

The rich chocolate cake has vanilla buttercream and features black, white, and red fondant for the camera’s body and details.

Isomalt is used for the “glass” front element of the lens.

The finished cake is impressive in its attention to detail:

The cake was baked for a Panasonic event in Sydney, so after completing it, Reardon took it onto a plane and flew an hour and twenty minutes with it in the overhead compartment. Thankfully it survived in one piece and was a hit among attendees.

You can find more of Reardon’s cooking and baking tutorials on the How To Cook That website and YouTube channel.

Image credits: Video and photos/screenshots by How to Cook That and used with permission.

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