How to Use Lightroom Presets: A Comprehensive Guide

Here is the comprehensive tutorial on using Lightroom presets that you mustn’t miss! Whether you’re an experienced professional or just an enthusiastic amateur photographer, you’ve probably encountered Lightroom presets’ potent charm. These amazing tools have the power to completely transform your photo-editing workflow, saving you a tonne of time and giving your shots an unmatched level of consistency. The best part is you will find thousands of free Lightroom presets to download.

With this in-depth post, we’ll take a fascinating tour into the world of Lightroom presets. We’ll reveal the keys to realising their full potential and advancing your photography to unprecedented levels. Now let’s get started and learn how to use Lightroom presets to drastically alter your photos!

How to Use Lightroom Presets: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Use Lightroom Presets

You may easily establish certain looks or styles by applying Lightroom presets, which are predefined settings, to your photographs with just one click. In the Lightroom presets tutorial, we will learn how to use the presets.

1. Understanding Lightroom Presets

It’s crucial to comprehend settings and their operation before utilising them. Lightroom presets function similarly to filters in that they modify several aspects of your images, including exposure, contrast, saturation, and colour balance. They make it easy for you to produce visually striking content.

2. Installing Lightroom Presets

To get started, you need to install the presets in Adobe Lightroom. Follow these simple steps to install your presets:

  1. Open Adobe Lightroom and navigate to the Develop module.
  2. In the left-hand side panel, find the “Presets” tab.
  3. Right-click on “Presets” and choose “Import.”
  4. Locate the preset file on your computer and click “Import.”

3. Applying Lightroom Presets

Now that you have your presets installed, it’s time to apply them to your photos. Here’s how:

  1. Open the image you want to edit in the Develop module.
  2. On the left-hand side panel, find the “Presets” tab.
  3. Browse through your presets and click on the one you want to apply.
  4. Your photo will instantly transform based on the preset settings.

4. Adjusting Preset Strength

You may adjust a preset strength to fit your tastes after applying it. To adjust the amount of the preset effect applied to your shot, use the preset strength slider. This enables you to give every picture a unique appearance.

5. Creating Your Own Presets

Once familiar with presets, you can create your own to match your unique style. To create a custom preset:

  1. Edit a photo to your liking in the Develop module.
  2. In the left-hand side panel, click the ” ” icon next to “Presets.”
  3. Name your preset and select the settings you want to include.
  4. Click “Create” to save your custom preset.

6. Organizing Presets

As your preset collection expands, it’s critical to keep it arranged for convenience of use. Make folders to arrange your presets according to client projects, styles, or themes. In this manner, you may locate the preset you want for a certain editing activity with ease.

7. Using Presets for Batch Editing

One of the most significant advantages of using Lightroom presets is the ability to edit multiple photos simultaneously. To batch-edit photos with presets:

  1. Select all the images you want to edit in the Library module.
  2. Switch to the Develop module and apply the desired preset.
  3. Lightroom will apply the preset to all selected images, saving you considerable time.

8. Experimenting with Different Presets

Please feel free to play around with different settings to find fresh looks and styles. Utilize distinct presets on the same image and evaluate the outcomes. Your distinctive editing style can be discovered via this process of exploration. You can find free lightroom presets to download on the internet.

One crucial thing to keep in mind is that there are more options available for picture modification than presets. Presets will do the initial editing for your image, but you have to go for highly expert image editing service providers to get a more professional look.

9. Updating Presets Regularly

As a photographer, your tastes in editing could evolve. To keep your editing process interesting and engaging, regularly alter your presets to reflect your changing style.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How to Use Lightroom Presets on Mobile?

To use Lightroom presets on your mobile device, you must install the Adobe Lightroom app. Once you have the app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Lightroom app and import the photo you want to edit.
  2. Tap on the “Presets” icon at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Browse through your presets and tap on the one you want to apply.
  4. Adjust the preset strength if needed and save your edited photo.

Q: Can I Use Lightroom Presets in Photoshop?

No, Photoshop and Lightroom presets are incompatible. The two distinct Adobe editing programmes, Lightroom and Photoshop, have different functionalities. Still, you may utilise Photoshop’s Camera Raw settings, which function similarly to Lightroom presets.

Q: Are Lightroom Presets One-Size-Fits-All?

While Lightroom presets can significantly enhance your photos, they may only work perfectly on some images. For different types of image editing, use different presets. For example, if you are editing portrait images, use Lightroom presets for portraits to get the best result. Factors like lighting conditions, exposure, and color balance can vary, affecting how a preset looks on a photo. Adjust the settings after applying a preset to achieve the desired outcome.

Q: How to Use Lightroom Presets to Achieve a Specific Style?

Choose the desired appearance by utilising Lightroom presets to get a certain aesthetic. Next, add presets to your images that go with that aesthetic. Don’t forget to tweak as necessary to get the ideal outcome.


Finally, mastering Lightroom presets can greatly enhance your process for editing photos. You may take your photography to new levels by learning about presets, setting them up and utilising them, making custom presets, and using them wisely. Try out several looks, and keep an open mind to learning new things and changing your presets. You may distinguish your work with a distinctive editing style that you’ll create with commitment and ingenuity.

Recall that presets are not universally applicable, so feel free to modify them according to the needs of each individual shot. Accept Lightroom presets’ adaptability; they will prove to be a valuable tool for your photography endeavours.


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