Improve Photos with These 3 Tips and You Don’t Need Your Camera

Improve photos with three important tips. We talk a lot about shooting techniques and editing methods to help you take better photos. Of course, practicing photography is a vital aspect of advancing your skills. But while shooting as much as possible is a good idea, there are also other things you can be doing that will prove to be equally helpful. So when you’re not able to have a camera attached to your hand, you can still get some “practice” in.

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Photo by Matheus Queiroz, Unsplash

In this article, we’ll talk about a few things to improve photos that you can do outside of actually taking photos. These ideas are designed to give you inspiration and get your creativity running. As a result, when you finally are able to get out there and shoot, you can hit the ground running.

Follow Photographers That Inspire You to Improve Photos

When you come across a photographer whose work you appreciate and enjoy, check out their social media and give them a follow to help you improve photos. Many will also have mailing lists you can subscribe to, which is a convenient way to stay up to date with their most current projects.

By following your favorite photographers, you’ll have a steady stream of inspiration coming in that will make you want to create more photos of your own. You’ll also be able to study their work and see if you can learn a thing or two about the techniques and methods they use to take those awesome photos that attracted you to them in the first place.

improve photos

Share More Of Your Photography and You Will Improve Photos

Chance are you already have a healthy collection of photos just sitting on the hard drive that you’ve never shared or posted anywhere. Use your inability to take new photos by revisiting some of your older photos and seeing if you may have missed any awesome shots you want to share.

For example, I’ll often go back to photos I took several years ago and try my hand at editing them again using new techniques I’ve acquired over the years since I took the snap. Sometimes starting over from scratch is just what you need and it can also be a great way to freshen up your social media feed.

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Improve Photos by Going to an Art Show Or Art Museum

There’s no doubt about it: art history has played a major role in modern photography. Many of the lighting and composition techniques we use are derivative from famous painters like Rembrandt and the likes.

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Photo by Kevin Laminto, Unsplash.

You’d be doing yourself a great service to head to the nearest art museum and study the works of some of the Old Masters. Examine the way they constructed their compositions, what they chose to include in the composition, the balance of different objects, how they painted in the light to create drama and draw in the viewer’s eye. There is an endless amount of knowledge just waiting to be learned at the museum.

Lastly, you can also research your local area and see if there are any photography exhibitions going on. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find an opening event. Often featured photographers gallery openings. This gives you an opportunity to introduce yourself and learn a bit from a master.

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