Isadora Brígido Presets

That our colors are a success, you already know that, but now we’ve gathered the best in one purchase at an incredible price!

The most requested presets now come in DNG format to be used in the Lightroom Mobile app and in XMP format to be installed in your Adobe Lightroom software on your computer!


– The files will be zipped, so it will be necessary to unzip it for installation in your Lightroom software.

– The preset may behave in different ways in your photos, depending on the environment, lighting, colors, etc., requiring manual adjustments. We will send you our base photos, used to create the preset, for you to apply it and ensure that the product is 100% as advertised.

– Save your presets in external files so you don’t lose them. We do not provide a second way.

– Because it is a product in digital file, we do not accept returns and do not refund the amount, so be sure of your purchase before finalizing it.


Fast Download With Cloud Drive Link
Password Unzip :
The file is compressed using Zip or Rar format...please use Winrar to extract this file
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