Liquid Logo Intro
This is a logo reveal, which is appear from water trails to filling your logo. Suitable for any subject. All you need is just insert your logo or text, and write tagline text. The project is very simple and fast render.
What is included:
Used font:
From: Font name: Adigiana Ultra Download it here:
Used music in preview:
From: Author: MatSteiner-FX Title: Quick Logo Two Buy it here:
If you have any questions about this project, please write me on my mail: or in my PM
After Effects Version: CC, CS6
Files Included: After Effects Project Files
Requires Plugins: Trapcode Particular
Uses Plugins: Trapcode Particular
Length: 00:10
Resolution: 1920×1080
File Size: 12.9mb
Media Placeholders: 1
Text Placeholders: 2
Tags: intro, liquid, logo, reveal, solid, splat, water