These 12 presets are hands-down my best presets so far! They come straight out of my PERSONAL Lightroom (desktop version) Preset Library and were each created to make my photos stand out in several different lighting scenarios, and that is exactly why I used them on every photo you see here!
It has been awhile since I released a new preset pack, and that is because I spent a lot more time making this pack! It has been a crazy few months for me to say the least! I wanted to spend more time refining these presets to make my editing process that much easier for me while giving my photos even more unique bursts of color, and I am very proud to say that’s what I did in this Volume 8 preset pack! Volume 8 is something I have been using and refining for months now on so many more photos than you see here. As many of you know from my tutorial, Lightroom is how I accomplish most of my color grading and then I finalize smaller detail work in Photoshop; so, I thought it would be appropriate to include the final versions of some of my favorite images that I used these exact presets on. There is so much potential in Lightroom to be creative with colors on portraits and lifestyle shots, and I wanted to show you exactly what’s possible with these presets. I hope it inspires you to always be improving! I never release presets that I have not personally used on hundreds of images over hundreds of hours, and that is no different here with Volume 8! Many of the images I used these on were some of my most liked photos on my Instagram, and not only in the last month, but my most liked photos of all time! That alone makes me so excited about this preset pack, but there is so much more to be excited about here! I’ve edited over 400 images using these presets as I do with all my preset packs, and these have been some of my most fun presets to use! At this point, having built up my own personal Volumes 1-8, I do believe they cumulatively make for the most powerful, unique, and diverse presets anyone can offer. My curves presets alone are just insanely powerful in my own work for clients and for fun, but then couple that with my editing tutorial(s), and you’ll really step up your photo editing game exponentially this year! I use all of my presets and the skills I teach in my tutorial REGULARLY to produce the highest quality and most unique content for my photography clients, and I can confidently say that you can also make a living off of these tools if you spend the time learning to use them as well as the time necessary to master your craft of photography, especially if you are taking your photos in good lighting conditions and shooting in a RAW format! I put my own unique style on this wide variety of presets. I have just been blown away by how with just a few basic adjustments these turn my photos into something special! I was inspired by so many things these past few months while developing and testing these, namely some new takes on my classic orange and teal colorings as well as some magenta, pink, and yellow tones, which are new looks on my photos the way I use them here, and they feel unique to me, which is why I’ve been posting them! I want it to be known that TRULY unique presets are never really meant to be “one-click” solutions to photo editing. If you think that is what they are, please don’t even bother buying these as you will be disappointed! Rather, these will give you a great foundation with which to BUILD a style of your own with my ideas and expertise as a foundation. In order to be unique, I push my colors and light in a number of ways, and depending on so many factors (quality of your camera’s sensor, lighting conditions, skin color, exposure settings, artificial versus natural light, color of environment, angle of light, etc.), I cannot predict what YOUR photos will need in order to achieve the best look with these or ANY other presets…not if you want truly unique photos that stand out from all the rest of the photos out there. Some presets work better for underexposed images, others for overexposed, and others for properly exposed images. The point is that they are ADAPTABLE if you just play around with the exposure settings on your own! I hope that when you begin playing with these yourself, you find your own voice and begin to think of portraits and lifestyle photos differently! That is the point of art, right? TO GROW AND LEARN! 🙂
I will say this again as a caveat: every photo is different and requires you to play with these presets until they look the way YOU like them, but I am so happy with how these have turned out for my photos that I wanted to share them with others. Please note that if you do not shoot RAW on a pro camera with proper exposures, you may not get very good results with these! The best option will always be for you to master your craft of photography FIRST before getting the best results from your editing. If you would like extra help from me learning how to edit portraits, please check out my Portrait Editing Tutorial in my online store above! Because of this caveat and because this is a digital product you receive immediately after your payment is processed, there will be no refunds given as you cannot return a digital product like this. Below are some tips I’ve made for you so that you can get the best experience out of these amazing presets!
Pro Tips:
– Make sure you’re shooting in a RAW format otherwise you will not be able to truly push these presets to their limit!
– Be sure to make your own adjustments to white balance, exposure, whites, shadows, and colors in the HSL panel and Camera Calibration tab until your photos look just right!
– Sometimes something as simple as adding a vignette can make your subject POP, so don’t underestimate the basics!
– If you’re having a hard time getting a preset to look right on a photo, try resetting all of the curves adjustments in each RGB channel and starting from scratch within curves!
– HAVE FUN! If editing is not a fun and interesting process to you, you will get frustrated and give up over time, so I recommend finding a way to have fun every time you sit down to edit! 🙂
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