Reel Making Magic: Instagram Reels for Artists and Creatives

Are you an artist or creative looking to enhance your social media presence and reach a broader audience? Instagram Reels are an incredibly effective way to do just that!

I was able to grow my audience thanks to viral Instagram Reels significantly—one with 1.9 million views and another with 1.2 million views—bringing me 40k followers in just a few months. While luck plays a part in going viral, there are specific rules and best practices you need to know to use this tool effectively and avoid the frustration of spending hours on content that doesn’t work.

This class will benefit not only those interested in Instagram growth but also those looking to improve their short-form video content in general. The principles behind Instagram and Facebook Reels, TikToks, and YouTube Shorts are the same. By creating content for Reels, you’ll learn how to create content for all these platforms and develop an integrated strategy for social media.

Even better news! You don’t need a professional camera, lights, or editing software to create captivating and engaging reels—all you need is your phone. In the final step of the class, I’ll show you a step-by-step process for creating a reel right on your phone (you’ll see my screen), share the types of videos I use, how I store them, and an incredible hack for choosing the right music and finding trending sounds to boost visibility and hopefully go viral!

In this class, I will cover:

  • Why it’s essential to create video content nowadays.
  • Understanding the algorithm.
  • Best practices for creating, editing, and posting successful reels.
  • Tips for making better videos.
  • Editing your videos effectively.
  • Tested hacks to maximize your chances of going viral.
  • Reel ideas for creatives.
  • A step-by-step process for creating a reel.
  • Creating an integrated strategy for your social media.


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