School of Motion – The Path to Mograph

In this short 10-day course you’ll get an in-depth look at what it takes to be a Motion Designer. Along the way, you’ll learn about the software, principles, and techniques used in the field through in-depth case-studies and tons of bonus material.

School of Motion – The Path to Mograph

Motion Graphics, or MoGraph for short, is exploding in popularity. Motion Design work can be seen in commercials, the opening credits of the latest blockbuster film, and even in the animations found in your favorite apps. And that’s just the beginning. The Path To MoGraph is a free 10-day course where you’ll get an in-depth look at what it takes to become a professional Motion Designer. You’ll get a tour of four very different Motion Design studios. Then, you’ll check out the creation of an entire real-world project from start to finish; showing you the software, tools, and techniques that you’ll need to know to break into this industry.

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