Take Keepsake Photos Of Your Children for Lasting Memories of Cuteness

take keepsake photos
Take keepsake photos of your children to ensure a beautiful record of their growing up. Photo by Ratiu Bia, Unsplash.

Take keepsake photos of your kids to remember those funny and adorable moments. Chances are, if you have children, or spend any time around them you’re going to want to take some photos of all that cuteness. But not just any old snapshot, you want to take a photo that totally frame-worthy and will be cherished for generations to come.

If you’re aiming to shoot keepsake photos of kids, you’ve got your work cut out for you. Their seemingly endless energy can make it difficult to get the photos you want unless you’re up for the challenge. The good news, photographing children can be just as much fun—if not more—than it is frustrating. Use these simple tips to make the process enjoyable for everyone involved.

Take keepsake photos
Photo by Mi Pham, Unsplash.

Use Natural Light To Your Advantage When You Take Keepsake Photos

Take keepsake photos
Photo by Max Goncharov, Unsplash.

There’s something about natural light that just complements children so well. Learning how to use that to your advantage will be extremely useful. Whether you’re shooting indoors or outside, take the time to look at what kind of available light you have to work with. Check for the direction it’s coming from so you know where to have your child stand. Also, check for the quality of light.

For example, the light during the midday is going to be a lot harsher than it is in the early or later hours of the day. Try planning your shoots around that. But if you can’t avoid a noon photoshoot outdoors, look for some nice open shade, such as that produced from a building to help cut down on the harshness. One more thing to be careful of when shooting in open shade is when you’re shooting underneath trees. The dappling created from light passing through the leaves can take away from a photo if it falls on the face.

Take Keepsake Photos of Your Kids by Photographing Them In Their Natural Habitat

take keepsake photos
Photo by Janko Ferlic, Unsplash.

Okay, so they’re not wild animals, but photographing children where they are most comfortable and at ease will take a lot of the pain out of getting great shots. Children, like many adults, get nervous in front of the camera, so taking them to a place they enjoy, such as a park, will help put them at ease and keep their mind off being photographed.

Don’t Forget Wardrobe When You Take Keepsake Photos of Your Children

take keepsake photos
Photo by Janko Ferlic, Unsplash.

Pay attention to the clothing the kiddos are wearing. Dress them in cute clothing just as you would if you were bringing them to a professional photographer to have their portraits taken. You want your photos to look the best they possibly can so when you’re looking at them sitting on the mantelpiece 15 years from now, you’ll love the shots just as much as the day you took them.

So pull out a nice, fresh and timeless outfit for them to wear. Brush their hair and make sure they’re sparkling clean. It’s worth the effort, I promise.

Lastly, Take Keepsake Photos and Don’t Stop Shooting

take keepsake photos
Photo by Hugues de Buyer-Mimeure

Ever notice how kids move around a lot? Me too. I wish I had even just a tenth of the energy they have. And in some ways, having the opportunity to photograph them requires I muster it up out of thin air. To help keep up with them, it’s always a good idea to shoot a lot more than you normally might.

Pack an extra battery and memory card and shoot your heart out. Just don’t be afraid to cull ruthlessly once you import.

take keepsake photos
Photo by Annie Spratt, Unsplash.


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