The Conda Camera Strap Can Transform into a Tripod

Frii Designs is launching an unusual camera strap design that uses interlocking pieces to go from loose and flexible, to stiff and sturdy, allowing it to become tripod-like with the flip of a switch.

Frii Designs is the same company responsible for the triple-lens-holder belt called the Trilens. The product was based on the LensFlipper, but added a third port for an additional lens. Now that company is about to launch the Conda Camera Strap, a product that is part camera strap and part tripod.

Frii Designs’ founder Jonas Lundin said that the company designed the tripod to be the ideal travel companion. As photographers, the designers of the Conda love to travel light, but also often desire capturing images that necessitate a tripod.

“Our goal was to create a product that could function like a tripod, without making the user carry any extra equipment,” Lundin said.

The company says that at first glance, the Conda strap appears like most any other camera strap, but by flipping a switch it can form into multiple shapes and orientations while supporting your camera. Frii Designs says the technology behind the mechanism has been in development for more than three years.

In addition to the unusual feature, the strap was still designed to be a high-end camera strap. Frii Designs says the strap has a unique length adjustment system and the neck section is dampened and made from a padded cotton blend with one smooth and one rubberized side for extra grip.

Two different versions will be available, Conda Strap and Conda Strap Plus. The Plus is recommended for heavier cameras and the standard version is suitable for lighter cameras such as compacts, mirrorless and light DSLR’s. The strap will fit any camera with a standard tripod thread using a knurled thumb screw, making the installation tool-less.

In order to bring the Conda strap to market, the company says it needs to secure 1,000 backers to its Kickstarter that will begin on November 12. The basic strap will retail for $149 when it comes to market, but Frii Designs plans to offer it for $97 during the crowdfunding campaign. If the Kickstarter is successful, the company plans to ship the first units by March of 2021. You can sign up to be notified when the campaign begins here.

Please note, while Frii Designs uses the term “pre-order” with regards to its Kickstarter campaign, remember that Kickstarter is not a pre-order platform. Please do your research and consider carefully before backing a product.

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