The ultimate guide to growing your photography network

No photographer is an island: that’s the defining theme of our new eBook, “The ultimate guide to growing your photography network.”

Professional relationships are key to success in photography—whether you’re a pro or a hobbyist, a beginner or an expert, we all need motivation, support, and guidance to make the most of our creative potential.

Here at 500px, we know the value of community. So we tapped 7 pro photographers to share their expert advice on building a professional network: Lindsay Adler, Jared Polin, GMB Akash, Jeremy Cowart, Andrew Kearns, Mark Del Mar and Réhahn. We’ve compiled their insider tips and wisdom into a free eBook to help empower passionate photographers. Download your free copy here.

Work 2.0 by Alexandra Kim on

Here’s an excerpt from “The ultimate guide to growing your photography network“:

Lindsay Adler suggests beginner photographers seek out two types of mentors:

1. A photographer with a thriving business. This mentor will help you understand what it takes to establish yourself and build a successful photography career.

2. A photographer whose work you love and respect. This person will help you better understand technique, vision, style, and other artistic elements of the craft.

If you can find a mentor that fits both descriptions, all the better! New photographers should keep in mind that mentorship is a commitment, notes Lindsay. It’s more than just helping someone out, “it usually means a longer dedication to each other and a deep desire to help one another succeed in their own way.” Shooting off a quick email asking someone how they got a certain shot isn’t the best way to foster that relationship.

We’d love to know what you think! Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.


Main photo credit: Kate Yu

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