This Hong Kong Man Has Spent 60 Years Collecting Vintage Camera Gear

The South China Morning Post published this 10-minute short film titled “The Camera Guardian.” It’s about Hong Kong shop owner David Chan, a lover of cameras who has spent over 60 years collecting and selling vintage photographic equipment.

Chan considers old cameras “works of art.”

“Though Chan buys and sells some equipment, he considers himself more of a guardian of vintage photographic gear, on a mission to help future generations see the beauty of camera craftsmanship,” SCMP writes.

David Chan in his shop. Still frame by SCMP Films.

Chan says that while modern camera gear is convenient and modern lenses sharp, they have lost the unique texture and “flavor” that old lenses produced. He has a particular affinity for old gear by famous European manufacturers such as Zeiss, Voigtländer, and Leica.

While many of the things that are found in his shop are for sale, there are certain items that are off-limits to customers — things that Chan is planning to hold onto indefinitely so that he can continue to share the beauty and craftsmanship of old cameras with others.

“I’m not running my shop as a business,” Chan says in the film. “It’s a place for my friends and customers to get together and chat. It’s a place for us to enjoy our lives. […]

“I will guide them if they have questions to ask. I will share my experience with them.”

(via SCMP via Reddit)

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