In this article we’ll take a look at how to use the settings on your camera to either freeze moving subjects or blur them intentionally. Today we’re going to talk about motion and how to use it to create the images you want.
Camera mode setting
Using a Digital SLR camera gives you the ability to control how your scene is captured based on your interpretation, but we need to know how to use the settings on the camera to our advantage. SLRs have various different shooting modes, including:
- Aperture Priority
- Shutter Priority Mode
On a Canon that is the Tv setting (it stands for “time value”) and on a Nikon it is the S on your mode dial.
In Shutter Priority mode you pick what shutter speed the camera will fire at, and the camera will select an appropriate aperture to make the correct exposure. You also select the ISO (cameras sensitivity level to light) when using this mode.
If you use a Canon you will see something similar to one of these dials on the top of your camera.
Read: Using Shutter Speed to Freeze or Blur Motion