You don’t need any Advance knowledge of After Effects in order to use this project. Even if you never worked with the After Effects you can watch the video tutorial and complete the job.
After Effects Version: CC, CS6, CS5.5
Files Included: After Effects Project Files
Resolution: 3840×2160
File Size: 520MB
Tags: 4k, advertisement, android, app demo, app presentation, app promo, app store, apple, application, best, blue, bright, clean, commercial, display, fast, figma, gold, ios landing page, laptop device, macbook air, marketing, minimal, minimalist, mockup, phone, presentation, pro, product, responcive, rose, royal, shadow wall, silver, simple, tamplate, trendy, typography, ui, ux, vip, weather app promo, web, web promo, website, website animation, website demo, website promo, youtube