You Can Grow Plants in Used Film Canisters

Houseplants and film photography have both seen renewed interest among younger people in recent years. Here’s a neat way to combine these two loves: you can recycle used film canisters by turning them into tiny pots for plants.

Photographer Marina Llopis of IFWEFILM shared the idea in a short video tutorial earlier this week.

You’ll need to pull off the top cap of the canister — you can do this with pliers and a bottle opener. Once you take the film reel out, you’ll have a hollow canister with a big opening on top and a small hole in the bottom, which is perfect for drainage (non-draining pots can have sitting water that causes root rot).

Then, simply add some tiny rocks to the bottom of the canister (to help retain the soil) before filling the rest with soil and your houseplant or succulent.

You can find more of Llopis’ content on the IFWEFILM website, Instagram, and YouTube.

Image credits: Photographs by Marina Llopis and used with permission

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