Drake Vincent – Building A Better Aesthetic Ebook + Presets

Building A Better Aesthetic

This e-book contains my take on how to create better imagery as a photographer.

Drake Vincent - Building A Better Aesthetic Ebook + PresetsDrake Vincent - Building A Better Aesthetic Ebook + PresetsDrake Vincent - Building A Better Aesthetic Ebook + PresetsDrake Vincent - Building A Better Aesthetic Ebook + Presets

What’s Inlcuded:

8 Presets

10 Raw images to edit along side with me

PDF 22 page e-book explaining how to edit and color with tips that I’ve learned along the way

What to expect:

5 Chapters

1) Intro to Aesthetics

A quick summary of what to expect from this e-book. We’ll briefly explain the preset downloads you received and how to apply them within Lightroom.

2) Editing Nature

We will jump right into Lightroom and I will walk you through three of my all time favorite nature shots and the editing process behind them.

3) Editing Portraits

Portrait work can be difficult and that is exactly why I included this chapter. I’ll show you the correct presets to use in specfic lighting situations on three RAW photos.

4) Product Work

Product photography is becoming more prevalent in the photogaphy world. Companies are reaching out to creatives now more than ever to get their products seen on socials. I’ll show you how to color and edit two RAW images. A few tips on how to work with brands as well.

5) Tips for A Better Instagram

I’ll discuss some of my tips and tricks I’ve found helpful to have a better grid game.

Presets that are included: 

For Product:




For Portrait: 


Stone Wash


For Everything Else:


Oregon Mood

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