Free Contracts and Legal Forms for Landscape Photographers

Free Contracts and Legal Forms for Landscape Photographers

Most photographers don’t enjoy dealing with the legal aspects of the business. Even though it may not be the most exciting aspect of being a photographer it is important to protect yourself and your business.

We’re been working with an attorney to draft templates for several different contracts and forms to try and make your life a bit easier. We’re excited to announce that we currently have 4 different templates available for download! You can download these contracts and forms, fill in your own details, and start using them right away. There are no strings attached. We hope the forms will prove to be useful in your own work.

Download the Forms Here

This pack includes the following contracts and forms:

Licensing Agreement

You can use this agreement when you license your photos for different purposes. Just fill out the details of the use that you want to allow. You can choose to make the license exclusive or non-exclusive (meaning, you can still license the photo to others if it is non-exclusive). You can set a length of time for the license to be valid. For example, if you want the license to be good for one year. Optionally, you can also charge royalties and include that information in the contract.

Contract for the Sale of Fine Art Photography

Many landscape photographers sell prints of their photos. You can use this contact in these situations. This is especially useful if you are selling limited edition prints. You can enter details about the number of prints that will be sold, if it is a limited edition. There is a spot for all of the details, like: your name, artwork name, size/dimensions, medium or framing, and date.

Waiver and Release of Liability for Workshops

Leading workshops and photo tours is a great way for landscape photographers to make money. Unfortunately, hosting a workshop can also come with some liability of something were to happen to one of your participants. Most landscape, natural, and wildlife workshops involve being out in the elements of nature, and sometimes in remote places. Hopefully, no safety issues arise for you or your participants, but it is best to be protected just in case. You can have participants sign this release to protect yourself. Just enter the details of your event and have the participant sign the form to release you from any liability.

Property Release

If you are photographing on private property you can request to have the property release signed, giving you permission and rights to use and sell the photos. Just enter details of the location, like the address or the specific area where you are allowed to photograph, and have the owner sign the release.

Download the Forms

All of the forms come in Microsoft Word format, so you can easily enter in your own details. You can also change and adapt the forms to your needs. There are highlighted sections showing areas that you need to edit with your own details.

Download the Forms Here

Have Suggestions?

If there are other types of forms or contracts that would be useful to you as a landscape or nature photographer, please let us know. We may be hiring our attorney to draft more form templates, so your feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.

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