Is this Course MADE for YOU?
-Do you ever feel PANICKED while walking to a portrait location with your client, because you don’t know where to set up the shot?
-Ever find yourself looking at the back of your camera while shooting and thinking “I HOPE I CAN FIX THIS WITH SOME EDITING!”?
-Instead of thriving during a shoot, you feel HELPLESS, NERVOUS, and OVERWHELMED!
-You see the GLOWY LIGHT, but you can’t seem to capture it the way you want!
-Your clients request BAD LOCATIONS, & you’re tired of editing poorly exposed images!
-Your default “go-to” is to PLAY IT SAFE and shoot in dark SHADE that results in blue skin tones and DULL IMAGES!
-Do you get snippy when you’re FLOUNDERING during portrait time, and you know it affects your client’s experience?
-Are you tired of TRIAL AND ERROR SHOOTING… sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t! Why is that?!
-Ready to know why it seems so EASY for some photographers, but not for you?
-Do you spend 4X LONGER EDITING than you do shooting? You don’t have an editing issue, you have a LIGHTING PROBLEM!!!
-Do you desire to make a comfortable living off of your business, but you can’t seem to attract higher paying clients?
-You don’t shoot at fancy venues, and you think you can’t PRODUCE AMAZING IMAGES until you do!