None of these types of light are any better than the others. Some are used by the photographers for various different purposes.
In this class we are learning about a very versatile light source, ie. On-camera flash.
The big advantage of on-camera flash is that you don’t need any extra equipment. You just need a camera and a flash.
In this class you will learn how to control and modify the light from your camera mounted flash to give great results. You will see a live photo shoot in our studio so you can learn the options available to control your flash on your camera.
You will also see many examples of my use of on-camera flash outdoors and learn how to create more professional outdoor portraits.
I have heard many photographers scoff at those who use on-camera flash. This is a very short sighted and ignorant attitude because on-camera flash can and is a great and simple tool that can be used to enhance many of our subjects.
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