The History of Photography – Cameras by George Eastman House

This week I am leading a photo tour in Nicaragua so my internet is a bit sketchy and time is tight. So I wanted to share something with you that I found and thought was interesting.

I’ve actually been to the George Eastman House in Rochester New York. George Eastman was the creator of Kodak, a major player in the history of photography.

In this short video they cover various cameras throughout history from some of the very first, up to digital.


My challenge to you this week is to do some homework. Use this as inspiration and do some research on the history of photography. >Find out about the forefathers, those that came before us. How did the craft evolve, ?

In the comments section, share your findings and tell me:

  • who took the first ever photograph and when was it?
  • when was colour photography introduced?
  • what are 3 historic processes? Hint: “tin-type”
  • tell me at least three historically prominent photographers and why were they important? (hint start here: 25 Iconic Photographers in History


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