Capturing Epic Star Wars Scenes with Toy Stormtroopers

It’s Comic-Con this weekend, and as such, it seemed only right we dig up some amazing Star Wars photography from within the 500px universe. Enter Felix Hernandez Rodriguez and his images of stormtroopers looking particularly dramatic and bad ass in the snow.

A “designer, photographer, and dreamer,” Felix is a conceptual and commercial photographer who, at one point a few months back, decided to capture some intense storm trooper images like this one:

Fortunately for us, when we got in touch to ask him how he did it, he pointed us to a behind the scenes video he put together that shows you just that.

From the setup to a sped-up version of the incredibly extensive post-processing he did to turn these photographs into something straight out of a movie poster, the video covers it all. Enjoy!

It’s amazing what you can do with some toys, creativity, and macro photographic skill.

And make no mistake, photographic skill is definitely required. For the image shown in the before-and-after below, Felix captured and combined 55 individual photos (for Focus Stacking)! Each of those photos was taken with help of three lights in studio with large strip softboxes, and the final product is part of a series called “Troopers: The Untold Story”.

Here’s a look at the rest of the series:






To see more form Felix or keep up with the talented designer/photographer, follow him on 500px, check out his website, or give him a Like on Facebook.

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